Kā Covid-19 ietekmē GMT BEAUTY darbību?

How does covid-19 affect the daily life of GMT BEAUTY?

Dear friends, dear customers!

We, GMT Beauty, represent the beauty industry and current changes and restrictions directly affect us – manufacturers, beauty professionals and our customers. We want to express our support to everyone at this time! We are with you!
We do our best to continue working, creating video tutorials on how to care for the skin at home, using professional grade GMT BEAUTY products, how to maintain the obtained result and how to prepare the skin for spring. Spring will definitely come and together we will find a way out of the current situation.
At the moment, we have directed all our knowledge and resources to the production of basic necessities – disinfectant and hand cream. By using disinfectants, the hands become dry and sensitive, so it is impossible to care about hands without hand cream.
We participate in charity events and support medical stuff, so far as possible.
We are open for consultations, discussions – how our beauty professionals can maintain relationships with their existing clients, we are ready to create a face, body care video tutorials and recommendations.
Write us, call us and let’s discuss! Together we can manage it! Remember that we are not alone – we are together, even if each of us is in his own home.


Publicēts, Apr 13, 2020