Laiks restartēt savu organismu! Tikai 1,2,3,4 soļi / februāris

Time to restart your body! Only 1,2,3,4 steps / February


The days are getting longer - every day there are some minutes of light. However, the motto is still - "Frost, wind, cold... Tests for your skin continue!"

Let's not forget about skin protection, because it will be more difficult to fix the "misdeeds" of winter.

Ada and hair continue to suffer from exposure to the environment and fluctuations in air temperature. The skin of the face and hands is regularly "loved" by the temperamental wind, leaving reddened "marks" on the skin, it becomes rougher and begins to peel. Hair is also damaged by dry indoor air and headgear, making it brittle and lacklustre.

Spring will be here this year too! Therefore, it is time to gradually come out of winter hibernation. If you want spring, when nature rises, you too will be full of strength and radiant, follow GMT BEAUTY's four steps of renewal in February.


Keep drinking water! If the daily rhythm is extremely intense and it is difficult to remember how much water you drank in a day, fill a bottle with water from time to time. It will be easier for you to track the amount of water you drink. Try to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Coffee is drunk in the morning, but during the day, if there is a desire to drink something warm, herbal tea is prepared. With increased coffee consumption, it retains fluid in the body, so edema can form.

Four rest days are scheduled in February as the body restarts.

Do not starve yourself on the day of relaxation, but prepare stewed vegetables for yourself. Do not skimp on spices, but give up salt, as it can also cause edema.

A rest day is planned for Monday. Especially if on Saturday and Sunday you indulged yourself more with food and drank a glass of wine, then on Monday the body will gladly rest.


Low air temperature can never be a reason to give up physical activities. There is a popular saying: "There is no inappropriate weather - the main thing is the right clothes and shoes." This should always be kept in mind in winter!

Run the "krošinu" on a crisp winter morning, with the sun shining, on the still "intact" snow cover! You will not forget this fantastic feeling. Continuing the path to mental well-being and an attractive figure, continue walking in the fresh air, walking and running in February, if the temperature does not drop below -10C degrees. Increase the number of steps taken or the duration of physical activities in minutes, so that the distance covered per day approaches 2 km. Cross-country skiing is a great substitute for running in colder, snowier weather. One of the most practical ways to keep track of training intensity and duration is various applications and smart devices.


Winter continues to "put a load" on the skin with air temperature contrasts, but the sun is increasingly pampering and at the same time "pinching" with its active ultraviolet (UV) rays, especially when there are still snowy fields all around. The sun 's rays reflected in the shade significantly increase the amount of UV rays that reach the skin. Freshly fallen snow reflects the most (>90%).

Choose a day cream with sun protection filters (SPF), apply a moisturizing serum and a nourishing night cream at night, which will help moisturize and restore the skin, making it silky soft.

Clean the skin once a week with a gentle exfoliation or scrub, which will help the skin to breathe and regenerate.

Take care of your lips and eyelashes too! For lips use sparingly balms, glosses and lipsticks wax- and oil-based, as conventional moisturizers can form an icy layer on the lips and damage the lips. To get dark, thick and silky eyelashes, clean them with a gentle oil and strengthen them with a special product.

Once a week, when taking a shower or bath, apply a nourishing mask to your face. The warm air and steam will activate the mask and the necessary substances will reach the deeper layers of the skin. After showering or bathing, carefully rinse the mask off the face, gently dry the skin and apply a night cream.

Make February a SPA month for your hair! Nourishing hair care products, hair balms and masks are used. After washing, dry your hair and apply a conditioner or a nourishing hair balm. Wrap your hair in a warm towel and leave the product on for 15 minutes. In the heat, the active substances penetrate deeper into the hair, regenerating it.

Rinsing the hair with cool water will help reduce its electrification.

You may spend more time washing your hair this way, but it's worth it because your hair will be silky and "obedient" afterwards.

During the winter period, facial skin needs additional care not only at home. Once or twice a month, visit a beautician and enjoy a deep skin rejuvenating chemical peel treatment that will help refresh and even out your skin tone. This procedure will activate skin regeneration processes, reduce fine wrinkles and even out skin tone. During the procedure, skin regeneration mechanisms are activated, it becomes firmer and silky soft.


Treat yourself to a bath once a week in February. Choose warm water, even very warm, but not hot. It perfectly improves well-being, calms, relaxes and improves microcirculation in the skin, making it smooth and firm. Add needles or hops extract to the bath and its calming effect will increase, sleep will also improve. To effectively improve body contours, while lying in warm bath water, do some exercises to strengthen the abdominal press, for example, tighten and relax the muscles of the abdominal press. When showering, use a gentle, moisturizing skin cleanser. It is recommended to use scrubs no more than once a week, and choose products with soft abrasive particles that gently clean the skin without scratching.

After the bath, and every day, apply an anti-cellulite cream to the problem areas of the body.

Every day, a caring cream rich in antioxidants is applied to the rest of the body, which will promote the regeneration of the skin, moisturize and strengthen it.

At least once or twice a month, visit a beauty salon and "gift" your body with an active, body-shaping massage, a good machine procedure, or choose an algae or mud application. They will prevent unwanted roundness, remove toxins and metabolic end products, contribute to the improvement of body shape.

Treat yourself in February!


Body care at home



Facial care at home



Professional body care



Professional face care



Publicēts, Feb 1, 2019