Laiks restartēt savu organismu! Tikai 1,2,3,4 soļi – jūnijs

Time to restart your body! Only 1,2,3,4 steps - June

Your goal is to spend the most awaited time in our latitudes - summer, as beautifully and comfortably as possible, without harming your appearance. How to take care of your skin at the beginning of summer?

Optimists are happy about the sun, warm sea and new dresses. Pessimists hide in the shadows and avoid salt water because it can harm the skin... Only realists truly enjoy the short summer because they give their skin everything it needs without forgetting to take care of it.

June is really the right time to pamper yourself and your skin completely and qualitatively.

A complex approach is needed to achieve the desired result. Continue what you started by following GMT BEAUTY's four steps to rejuvenation in June.


The first month of summer is here with warm weather and new challenges for your skin! And it's not just the sun…

What can be nicer and more refreshing than a glass of cool white wine? Yes, white wine is refreshing, but unlike red wine, it provides little benefit to the body. You must have read that a glass of red wine is, in a sense, therapeutic. Red wine contains a whole "row" of substances useful for the body, including one of the strongest antioxidants - resveratrol, which is formed in the skin of dark grapes. Resveratrol strengthens immunity and restores the body.

White wine, on the other hand, is obtained only from the pulp of grapes and therefore this wine does not contain antioxidants useful for the body. In order not to force yourself to give up a glass of delicious white wine, you should remember to eat products rich in antioxidants - salads, vegetables and, of course, strawberries!


Continue to be active in the summer as well. Just remember that a run in the fresh air or muscle training in the gym will be suitable on summer mornings or afternoons. On the other hand, when the thermometer rises, running or any other type of high-intensity exercise can become the cause of increased skin sensitivity and unwanted redness of the facial skin.

Summer is used to start swimming or perfect your love for water in natural bodies of water - a lake, river or sea. You will maintain physical activity and not overheat. Swimming not only trains strength and endurance, it strengthens immunity.


If your skin is sensitive and reacts to the slightest irritation, be it sunlight or a mosquito bite, it is important to remember the four conditions in facial care and choose the right products. And you won't have to worry about anything.

Light creams and serums without dyes and fragrances, but containing soothing and anti-inflammatory substances such as chamomile, panthenol, algae extracts, acerola, will help the skin to cope with the heat and, on the contrary, to enjoy it.

Cool down as regularly as possible and refresh your skin! Hot water dilates pores and blood vessels, increasing blood flow and promoting redness. Rinsing with cool water will constrict the blood vessels, reduce redness and tone the skin. The cool water will also invigorate and refresh the body.

Always refrigerate cosmetics! In hot weather, it is better to keep tonic and any skin moisturizers in the refrigerator. However, this is not a prerequisite - to extend the shelf life (the formula of the cosmetic product was developed knowing that the product will be kept in the bathroom and not in the refrigerator). The bonus provided by the refrigerator or low temperature is in the pleasantly refreshing effect. A cold tonic in the morning invigorates better than coffee, soothes sensitive skin and gives a light lifting sensation.

Remember about moisturizers always! It is a fact that the higher the temperature outside the window, the oilier the skin becomes. This is not a reason to cut back on skin care products. Since the heat also dehydrates the top layer of the skin and the epidermis, it is important to choose light creams and fluids instead of thick and nourishing creams, especially if the skin is oily and often has clogged pores. The summer day cream is multifunctional: it protects from the sun, reduces inflammatory processes, controls the formation of pigmentation and moisturizes the skin.

Moisturizing sprays (mist, hydrolat) are used to refresh the skin of both the face and the body. It is also better to use these products chilled to provide additional comfort to the skin.

Remember about the eye area

In the summer season, bright sunlight and high temperatures are the conditions that make us pay special attention to the eye area. Since the warm weather contributes to the formation of edema in the eye area, in the summer season, choose eye care products with extracts of ivy, green tea, horseradish, which will prevent the formation of "bags" in the eye area. You can also take care of the eye area by yourself by doing a "contrast shower" for your eyes. Repeat this every morning, changing the water temperature from warm to cool 5 times, and you will see the circles and swelling decrease. Once a week, apply a gel eye mask containing plant extracts with the so-called "botox effect". The mask will strengthen the skin around the eyes and prevent the formation of fine lines.


June motto in body care – "Contrast shower improves mood and body contours!"

A contrast shower should become your daily ritual in the summer. After showering, apply your anti-cellulite product to problem areas. And, of course, pay special attention to the skin of the chest and décolletage. Remember to apply the cream to the chest in the morning and in the evening, observing the direction of application "upwards". After four weeks of careful use of the product, you will see obvious results - the skin on the décolleté will become silky soft.

For body skin care, choose an antioxidant-rich cream that will give your skin a glow and take care of your skin.

Pay special attention to the skin after prolonged exposure to the sun. Always remember that you need to get your skin used to the sun and start with a short stay in the morning sun, which is the most gentle. If, however, you have spent the whole long day at the beach and the sun has left deep "imprints" on your skin, try a three-step skin treatment. Begin by gently cleansing the skin - washing in the coldest possible water using a neutral detergent to soothe reddened skin. Then, with light movements, a cream rich in antioxidants and moisturizers is massaged into the skin .

When the cream is absorbed into the skin, sesame oil is applied on top of it, the gentle effect of which, thanks to the rich combination of fatty acids and antioxidants, will help reduce the damage caused by the sun.

A complex approach will be suitable for body care at home and in a cosmetic salon - first of all, moisturizing body treatments, applications and massages that prepare the skin for the beach. An ideal body treatment in the salon will be breast firming therapy.

Treat yourself in June!

Publicēts, Jun 13, 2019