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Mitrinoša un reģenerējoša maska plaukstām (Melna)

Mitrinoša un reģenerējoša maska plaukstām (Melna)

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Šī inovatīvā plaukstu atjaunojošā maska palīdzēs iegūt veselīgu, skaistu, jauneklīgu roku ādu ērti un ātri. Daudzkārtīgi lietojamie estētiskie cimdi izgatavoti no augstvērtīga medicīniskā silikona, kuru iekšējās virskārtas viena puse ar inovatīvu tehnoloģiju palīdzību piesūcināta ar avokado, jojoba eļļām, šķidro parafīnu, aloe vera ekstraktu un citām vērtīgām sastāvdaļām, kas intensīvi mitrina, baro, atjauno un dziedē plaukstu ādu un kutikulas. Piemērots visiem ādas tipiem.
Lietošana: Nomazgājiet un nosusiniet plaukstu ādu un uzvelciet cimdiņus tos viegli pavelkot. Lietojiet tos vismaz 3 reizes nedēļā uzvelkot uz vismaz 20 minūtēm. Tūlītējs efekts, maiga āda un patīkama komforta sajūta. Cimdi paredzēti līdz 50 lietošanas reizēm.

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Long lasting Moisturizing hand treatment glove 

The glove is designed to hydrate and soften the entire surface of the hand. The aloe-gel layer releases a combination of nourishing and moisturizing substances such as jojoba oil, aloe vera and avocado oil that improve the skin softness and appearance. It can be used together with moisturizers and specific treatments. 

Indications: For daily use especialy suitable for dry and chapped hands. 

Instructions for use: 

Wash and dry your hands, put on the glove by pulling it gently. Use the glove at least 3 times a week at nights or while relaxing (at least 20 minutes). It can be used in conjuction with moisturizers and other treatments.  

Recommendations for product maintainance 

It is recommended to wash the product by hand with mild soap and warm water and rinse well. Do not use dedisinfectants or bleach. Let it air dry away from heat cources. Appy a sprinkle of talc to the gel if it becomes sticky. Store in cool, dry place when not use. 



Do not apply product on open wounds. 






Long lasting Moisturizing hand treatment glove 

The glove is designed to hydrate and soften the entire surface of the hand. The aloe-gel layer releases a combination of nourishing and moisturizing substances such as jojoba oil, aloe vera and avocado oil that improve the skin softness and appearance. It can be used together with moisturizers and specific treatments. 

Indications: For daily use especialy suitable for dry and chapped hands. 

Instructions for use: 

Wash and dry your hands, put on the glove by pulling it gently. Use the glove at least 3 times a week at nights or while relaxing (at least 20 minutes). It can be used in conjuction with moisturizers and other treatments.  

Recommendations for product maintainance 

It is recommended to wash the product by hand with mild soap and warm water and rinse well. Do not use dedisinfectants or bleach. Let it air dry away from heat cources. Appy a sprinkle of talc to the gel if it becomes sticky. Store in cool, dry place when not use. 



Do not apply product on open wounds. 




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